Wednesday, March 3, 2010

6 weeks

Hard to believe it has already been two weeks since we found out - but it also feels like time is moving way too slowly. I have had no further spotting since the single incident 48 hours ago so I am hopeful it truly was just my cervix rebelling against the progesterone. Unfortunately, however, that incident caused my worrying to kick-in kind of hardcore right now. I can't help it. I was doing really well until the spotting. We have come so far yet things are still so tenuous right now. I was tempted to buy a hpt yesterday to reassure myself but decided against it. I'm just going to wait for our (hopefully!) last "pregnancy confirmation" appointment with my RE on Monday. Technically, I'm not all that religious and don't pray, exactly, but I've been sending our little embie tons of positive thoughts this week.

It is great to be feeling physically better and be past the worst of the OHSS but now every twinge I feel makes me worry about the embie, where before I chalked everything up to the OHSS. The books say occasional "twinges" are normal but cramping/pain is bad. Way too many things to worry about. I will feel SO much better once we see that embie is doing okay.

Just realized we are only half-way to 2nd trimester - that seems like forever but I guess I just have to be happy with one healthy day at a time.


  1. I had bleeding about the same time and the doctor said it would just be odd for an IVF patient to NOT have bleeding. That being said, I don't blame you for being worried. It's so scary!! And pregnancy time is like an eternity!

  2. It does sound scary. I am not surprised you are worried. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
