Monday, March 15, 2010

7w4d - time machine

I wish I could just skip ahead to April 15th, with embie healthy, when we'll hit a full 12 weeks. After focusing so much on getting pregnant, I had no idea how difficult it would be to survive the first trimester. I worry *a lot.*

My family members who know, and are sworn to secrecy, are all pressuring me to tell everyone else. I'm just not there yet, and I don't think I will be until we get past the first trimester. Part of it is that I'm too worried to be really excited right now, and I'd rather be at a point where I can be just as happy as the people who are hearing the news. That and I don't like everyone reminding me that I'm pregnant, because it just reminds me to worry (well, like I need reminding, but you know what I mean).

I'm also in denial. After everything we've gone through, it still seems unreal that it actually worked. Yes, I'm a bit chubbier, occasionally nauseous, and tired, but I just don't feel pregnant yet. And if reality hasn't hit me yet, I'm not ready for it to hit others first.

I know I'm supposed to be grateful for every day, and I am, I just wish I each day would go by a little bit faster.


  1. You should tell people whenever you are ready! Pregnancy time is SO slow, it feels like it takes forever. When is your next u/s?

  2. i'm supposed to wait until week 18 for my next u/s (seriously) but i have plans to convince my NP sooner than that. :) we can at least go in to hear the heartbeat in a little over two weeks!
