Monday, February 8, 2010

14 is my new lucky number

The doctor from the lab called me back this morning, apparently he never got the message that he was supposed to call me yesterday. Anyhow, I don't even care anymore because 14 of the embryos are still growing strong and were successfully biopsied! I talked to the guy who actually did the biopsies yesterday and he said they are all impressed with how well the embryos are growing. They were all at least eight cells and he said they are actually growing better than normal. Yay! He even mentioned how they are pretty sure there will be extras to freeze, which is awesome because we are only transferring one this first time.

Upon learning this information via text message this morning, my husband replied (in a shout-out to the movie Juno) that "our babies must want to 'get born'!" He is such a dork. :) We were talking yesterday about how crazy it is to think that our genes are combined right now and that our future baby is hopefully technically in existence right now. It's even crazier to think that the little embies are 90 minutes away. I am definitely feeling the drive to get at least one of them back where it belongs - in my welcoming uterus! Haha.

SO nice to have some good news today. The biopsied cells should be at the genetics lab by now but it takes OVER 17 HOURS to run the tests! Which means there is a team of doctors working around the clock and we won't actually know how many of the embies are MD-free until we get to the hospital tomorrow morning. But odds are we will get about 7! I was so excited this morning that I actually changed into jeans instead of sweatpants (although they are now unbuttoned for comfort's sake). :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay, congratulations!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for healthy, growing embies :-)
