Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We got the go-ahead for the hcg - woo-hoo! I know there is a lot more that has to continue to go right for us, but I am so excited to get to this huge step.

Obviously I've never done this before and I'm not a doctor, but my follies seemed frickin' huge. There were at least 32 measurable today. I think even G. was shocked at how much those little things can grow in just two days. I'm a little freaked out about my first IM shot tonight but know it will be fine. The plan is for my brother-in-law the doctor to administer it, since poor G. hates needles and blood. G. claims he can do it if he absolutely has to, but I think we're both relieved that my brother-in-law offered to do it. We are also buying my siblings-in-law dinner tonight as a thank-you since they are also taking care of our dogs tomorrow night. Even though my RE is "only" 90 minutes away, I have to be there at 6:30am on Thursday so we're staying in a hotel just in case the roads are bad. So many things to get arranged in the next couple hours!

Odd coincidence of the day: I finally got changed back into my sweatpants, plopped myself on the couch, and turned on the TV... just as a Law & Order SVU episode started involving stolen embryos from an infertility clinic. So weird! As I type, Olivia and Elliot are watching a doctor remove a cell for PGD! What the hell! Anyhow, now I have to watch this and see how many facts about PGD are misconstrued....

(PS - I am still physically pretty uncomfortable but am so emotionally uplifted by getting the go-ahead and no more shots for awhile, that I am trying to ignore the discomfort)

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