Sunday, February 28, 2010


I think today I finally reached the point where the pregnancy symptoms are more noticeable than the OHSS symptoms. Yay! It's still rough in the mornings but I made it through this entire day without tylenol. I'm still going to take it easy for awhile though, as I don't want to aggravate things again. It is SO much easier to be in a positive mood when I'm not in near-constant pain and/or discomfort.

We are now in Week 6 (!). According to the baby books, lots is going on in there right now. The IVF/PGD process seemed like weird science when this all started but pregnancy itself is amazing. It's hard to believe so much is changing every day, while on the outside I appear normal enough that even when I turn down wine at a party, none of my friends are suspicious. ;)

Watching the tail end of the closing ceremonies. It seems like they'll let anyone who ever released an album and who is also Canadian perform. The drop off from Neil Young to Simple Plan, Avril Lavigne, and Nickelback is kind of depressing, but at least those Canadians are good at hockey! (btw, the game today was great - I am so proud of Team USA for holding their own and pushing it into OT)

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