Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Just got off the phone with my clinic and they froze FOUR more blasts today!! Yay! When we left after the transfer yesterday, they had thought it would be three at most, if that, so we are ecstatic that we got four. It makes me even more happy and relaxed.

Also, despite my desire to continue my couch laziness, it felt great to put on some nice clothes today and go into student-attorney mode instead of crazy hormone-crazed IVF mode. I was also really pleased with myself for picking up a shirt a few months ago that I knew would be great at hiding any bloating. It's funny too because I also had to dig out the "fat pants" that I almost gave away last month because they were "way too big" for me - not right now!

I know it seems crazy that I am not going insane waiting until the beta next week. Honestly, I thought I'd be going nuts too. But the reason I'm not is because never in my entire life has it ever even been possible that I was pregnant. Because of the disease, I have always used 2 and sometimes 3 forms of birth control. So I've never legitimately tried to be pregnant before. I've never been able to even imagine before so I'm enjoying it while I can.


  1. Yayyyy!!! I'm so happy that the transfer went well, and that you got such good news about your embies today! Enjoy being PUPO ;-)

  2. Fingers are very firmly crossed for you both. Amazing that you had four to freeze, absolutely fantastic news.
