Thursday, February 4, 2010

i survived. :)

And so did 32 of my eggs! I am so excited that we got so many - I know they won't all fertilize, and I know chances are that half of them will have the "bad" gene, but 32 seems great to me. (Up until five days ago, I thought we would have been really happy with 20) It feels so great to get past this part of the process. It is such a huge relief that those little eggies I've been incubating are finally safely in the lab and no longer fully my responsibility. :)

I can also already tell that I feel less bloated, which is fantastic. I took a long nap this afternoon lying on my side, something I've been wanting to do for over a week but couldn't. Thank god for the small things, right?

There was quite the crowd at the retrieval. Is it normal for 4+ doctors to hang around?? I think two of them were residents, but it still seemed like a lot. I guess it makes sense though - we've definitely gotten the impression that we are "an interesting case" since they don't do tons of PGD cases and we are so "young." Which, by the way, I find hilarious that everyone is always exclaiming at how young I am. Infertility World is the only place that ever happens.

I'm still feeling (emotionally) really good after this morning but all that waiting is still hovering over me. Yay.


  1. Congrats sweetie! 32 is an AMAZING number - even 16 is fantastic!!! I'm glad you're starting to feel better...just rest and pamper yourself while you're waiting for the transfer. :-)

  2. That's loads of eggs! You must have been feeling pretty bloated.
