Sunday, February 14, 2010


I decided I better use the fancy title for once. I remember when I first started exploring all the IVF blogs and couldn't figure out what the hell that combination of letters and numbers were about. Guess I've earned it now. :)

Physically I am feeling great, although almost woefully normal. I really want my body to just tell me whether the little embie is nestled in or not!... though I know any symptoms could be caused by pregnancy, progesterone, or my period so it really wouldn't do me any good to feel something.

It didn't hit me completely until this weekend that if I am truly pregnant, then I need to revamp what I'm eating. I typically eat healthier than the average person but I know I am missing a lot. And the prenatal don't-eat-that list is so frickin' long! And confusing - no herbal tea (isn't most tea sort of herbal?), no deli meat (what about leftovers? what about stuff not directly from the deli?), some cheese but not others, ugh. My husband is typically the one that cooks at our house and this morning I caught him reading the baby book - which he has thus far not done. It was so sweet. He was reading the nutrition chapter so he could come up with some good meals for us. :)

The waiting is getting hard now - I can tell it gets worse each day. Luckily today I went to a hockey game with my mom (Christmas gift from my bro). We were in Row 3! It was a lot of fun and a great distraction. Tonight we're heading to a great local organic restaurant for a late Valentine's Day meal. We hadn't planned to do anything this year since this last month has been so crazy but I changed my mind at 10am this morning and managed to score us a reservation at 8:00pm tonight.

Because of the PGD, we know the sex of the blast that was transferred. Our parents know that we know but we are keeping it a secret for now. And up until yesterday, our parents had surprised me by not trying to make us crack. The other night, while talking to my dad on the phone, he made a comment about how excited my mother-in-law will be with a little girl (she had all boys) and then later he said something about how "Scorpio boys" are supposed to be a handful. I learned yesterday from my mom that he was making gender-specific comments because he was hoping I'd slip up and tell him our secret! And here I was proud of how he wasn't being nosy. :)

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