Wednesday, February 17, 2010

!!! (great news + some not-so-great news)

I'm pregnant!!! My hcg was 99, at 8dp5dt. The news was given to us somewhat oddly, as we saw a different doctor than the two we normally see and he was apparently unaware that we did a blast transfer so wouldn't tell me whether I was pregnant or not because he thought we were too close to the hcg trigger. Five minutes later the nurses came in congratulating us - um, confusing! I made them tell me three different times that I was pregnant. Ha! And then two minutes after leaving the clinic the doctor called my cell to tell me the good news, which he realized when he was typing up his notes. Thank god for nurses!

The bad news is that I officially have "mild to moderate" OHSS. Back to the couch for me! I am supposed to stay at home as much as possible and keep really low activity. I also have to monitor all kinds of fun things - weigh, girth, urine output, etc. Up until now, I don't think the reality of worrying about my own health had hit me. I was so caught up with wanting to be pregnant that I forgot to worry about myself. I'm now pondering whether I need to drop one of my classes, since the doctor said at most it would be best for me to only attend one class a day. I'm also supposed to keep at this low-activity, urine-measuring routine for at least a week (and possibly longer, as my hcg will hopefully continue to rise).

Good thing we had such great news otherwise! Reality has definitely not set in yet. We go back in two days for another ultrasound and bloodwork so maybe it will seem more real after that. :)


  1. That is fabulous!!! And super beta - could ask for better, even though it really sucks that you have OHSS. I think I'd make sure the second beta looked good before dropping the class - but stop going now! You probably have a couple weeks before the final drop day, so you might want to wait (as long as you don't forget)!


  2. Brilliant news! Congratulations! You'll have lots of lovely reasons to get better and take it easy.

  3. Congrats, that is so exciting!!!
