Thursday, February 11, 2010

dumb dog

One minor, hopefully meaningless, setback last night. We were dog-sitting for my brother's labrador retriever yesterday, and in his excitement to see me when I got home from class, he jumped up and pushed my tummy with his paw. It really wasn't too hard but it terrified me that he could have somehow caused some damage to the little embie. He hit me kind of high (above the belly button) and I think more than anything it just surprised me, but I was in a terrible mood for awhile after. Stupid dog! I know he didn't know what he was doing but I seriously hated him for the next hour.

Just trying to move on and assume all is still fine. It would take more than that to knock loose our tough little blast right? I also keep thinking that if four more of them survived outside of me, the chances that the one they transferred is also thriving are pretty good.

Even though I'm still really happy we made it this far, and I know I have to wait one more week for the beta, I wish there was a way to know sooner. I don't want to "walk myself to that cliff" (as one of my docs would say) but at the same time, it just seems like positive, PUPO thoughts are the best way to go. "Good vibes" can reach inside the uterus, right? :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sending TONS of good vibes your way. Can't wait to read your BFP announcement!
