Saturday, February 6, 2010

i'm a wreck

This has been the worst day thus far, at least when it comes to pain. In the past 36 hours, I hit two new lows: I went out in public (to Chipotle, no less!) in sweatpants (with writing on the ass!) AND I had to ask my mother-in-law to help me clean the house. Yeah, pretty pathetic. Although I am definitely thankful for mom-in-law's help, it truly pained me to admit I couldn't take care of my own grimy house. (Note to self: If you ever do IVF again, be sure to clean the house before starting injections because it will only get worse) You may be wondering why DH did not do the cleaning? The poor man has been working, doing my bidding, cooking my dinner, being woken up by my tossing and turning every night, and fighting a nasty cold for the past five days. Poor guy! So I okay'ed the plan to call in the reinforcements.

So yeah, the pain. Why didn't anyone tell me the pain could be worse *after* the retrieval?! I stupidly assumed that taking things out would make me feel less bloated. Ha! None of the people involved in my medical care warned me of this, and then they get annoyed when I call the on-call RE on a Saturday. *sigh* I'm one of those people that can take quite a lot of pain and BS if I have the opportunity to brace myself, but I had no idea this was coming. It's come to this: I'm thankful that I can still button my pants (I put real pants on today - shocker!) and at least the RE doesn't seem to think it is severe enough OHSS to warrant putting off the transfer (which I am kind of scared of). I have no other symptoms besides the bloating, haven't gained weight, ovaries themselves don't hurt, etc. but oh my god do I ever want my body back. And while I'm at it, I'd like my mind back too! (I've cried at least 20 times today)

(One of my dogs is attempting to make a nest on the floor right now with a blanket. He keeps grabbing the edge of the blanket with his mouth to arrange it, while pushing the rest of it around with his paws. This is now the highlight of my day.)

I think from now on I just have to start totally believing that this will happen for us eventually. Because it is just too much to take without believing it will be worth it in the end.


I forgot to add: Thank you so much for the encouraging comments! Knowing I am not alone with this means a lot.

1 comment:

  1. What a horrible time you are having! Sorry I have no personal experience with the retrieval end of things, but my understanding is that you will be much better in a few days. My poor donor is probably feeling just like you right now.

    Glad you were able to ask your MIL for help - really fabulous that she is "in on it" and willing to assist! And kudos to your DH for waiting on you - men just don't know how sexy that is (although not right for future reference!) Hoping you feel better tomorrow - take care.
