Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today has been hard. Despite the good news yesterday, I'm sick of being stuck on the couch and I'm sick of the shots and I'm sick of worrying. I've tried to focus on other things but it's really hard when I'm too uncomfortable to move around and do anything. I also had to miss an engagement party for one of my really good friends, because I'm just too uncomfortable for "party mode" and it's a small enough party that people would notice me not drinking. Missing the party isn't a big deal in the big picture, but it's hitting home how lonely I've felt today.

Also, I've read at least a dozen magazines in the last two days. My sister-in-law dropped off a bunch of Ok! magazines...all with photos of pseudo-celebrities with their new babies on the cover. There were photos of lots of other celebs and their kids too, and it made me think about how many of those women probably required some sort of ART/infertility treatment. There's no way all of those twins are natural! Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with it, I just wish the world didn't insist on keeping it such a big frickin' secret. My husband said he's just jealous because celebrities have an easier time paying for it and getting time off from work to deal with it. So true!

Anyhow, fingers crossed that we get good news tomorrow morning. I'm SO hoping we get the go-ahead for my trigger. I feel like a bloated incubator and I'm ready to move to the next stage!


  1. Good luck! Thinking lots of follie growing, E2 increasing thoughts for you!

  2. You're doing great! It is hard right now, but soon you'll be pupo. THEN you'll have to lay around on the couch even more! Ah well, it is all worth it in the end. Good luck!
