Monday, January 18, 2010

the waiting begins

Yesterday I took my last BCP...and now the waiting begins. I knew going into this that a lot of waiting would be involved but now that it's really started, I can see how this will be really hard no matter how prepared I try to be. I'm not frustrated by The Waiting at this point, because I know it will be 100x worse as we get further in, but it does feel rather ominous right now. The sheer number of things I will have no control over is a little overwhelming. I am not typically a very patient person so.....yeah, not really looking forward to this.

Please excuse this venting but I have no other forum to vent that won't later make me feel like a bitch: Why does my husband fail to get anything done around the house on his own?? I *hate* being someone who nags but geez, he doesn't always give me an alternative. Case in point: There is a small piece that needs to be replaced in our kitchen faucet. We have one of those sprayer things and as-is, the water comes out excruciatingly slow - making it even more annoying to do the dishes than it would be otherwise. For THREE WEEKS, he has been saying he knows exactly what is wrong and that he will fix it. So today, the THIRD FULL DAY OFF from work, at 3:30pm, he has still not fixed it. I didn't say anything all weekend because I know the man deserves his rest. Then I made the mistake of asking him to show me what needs to be fixed so I can do it myself...and now he's annoyed with me and on his way to hardware store. *sigh* (don't get me wrong, I love my husband. And most of the time he is really great but things like this drive me insane - and it is really hard not to pull the "i give myself annoying injections every frickin' morning and you can't even do this" card.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi KM, hope the cycle goes well and that your husband picks up his act (the drugs do tend to make us a little over-irritable about these things in my experience).

    Just popping over from cyclesista. Got your comment, no worries, looks like you're on the list ok this time.


