Wednesday, January 13, 2010

so far so good

I did it! First injection down, a bajillion more to go. I know it probably seems like a small thing for those who have gone through this before, but it felt really huge for me. I made my husband late for work today so he could be there in case I had some kind of panic attack. He's been really great the last couple of days. I think the reality of all that I will be going through is really hitting him now and he feels bad that so much of the burden is on me. Of course, I also surprised him with a nice dinner yesterday (he usually cooks) before I potentially turn into Queen Bitch. We are going on a much-needed date tomorrow so I at least have something to look forward to in the nearer future.

I tried to really clear out my schedule for the next few weeks in case I wasn't feeling up to facing the world. The problem is that right now, I am *hating* having so much downtime. I need non-IVF related things to fill my brain! I burned through the entire first season of United States of Tara in a few days. I might need to bump my Netflix up to two discs at a time. I suppose I should just get used to this feeling of wanting to fast-forward.


  1. Hey, I found your blog on Cycle sistas - we are cycling together! Sadly this is my 4th try with DE IVF, but I am fortunate to have an 8 year old boy we somehow created the "old fashioned way". We have been trying for number 2 ever since, but now I am 44 and this is pretty much our last try.

    I hope this cycle works well for you - glad you were able to get that first shot under your belt. I was terrified of doing my own shots but now it is just part of my day - not my favorite part! But not actually the worst part either, and the possibility of getting a baby at the end makes it easier. Good luck - please come visit my blog sometime if you like.

  2. Just wanted to say hi and congrats! It's so nice to have a cycle sister...we can descend into madness together ;-)
